Welcome 2025. A new year calls for new resolutions! STOP! WAIT! Have you ever made a resolution only to have it last 2 weeks, 30 days? Most of us have. I've made one resolution that actually lasted 15 years. That resolution was to find an adult ballet class. At the age of 35 I entered my first ballet class. But this post is not about my ballet career. This post is about intentions. Instead of a resolution, create an intention. What's the difference? According to AI a "resolution is a firm decision to do or not do something, while an intention is a practice of being present and aligning actions with values." Setting intentions allows us grace when we fall out of practice. You can come back to your intention without guilt or shame. Intention is about what you want to do today. It can something simple, like just for today, I am not going to worry. Perhaps your intention is an action item that you can do in the present moment. Whatever your intention is, learn to be in the present, in the moment with it. Notice how you feel when that present moment event takes place. Allow that feeling to sit with you, stay with you. Sitting with and feeling your intention, will allow you do really integrate that into your day, your week. Intentions can change your perception. What are your intentions this year?
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